Well, it’s official, I’ve mastered the art of falling… after a few (4-5) previous tumbles and a few stitches… This one took the “cake”.
I’m still recovering 4 days later, but
I was unconscious for about a minute while 911 was called to the Target parking lot. Julie held my head and people in the parking lot came to our aide. So happy she didn’t faint at the site of my heavily bleeding head. She tends to do that and was an incredible trooper through this.
Now I’m on the way to recovery!
I still walk and fell backwards while standing there… I wasn’t in the chair! Just waiting while it was being unloaded … She ran to help me and left the chair which ended up falling off the other way. Two independent, yet related incidents. Chair is fine too.
Just discovered you on PLM. Wow! on this post and thanks for sharing. I was diagnosed on September 11th (2012). Never saw your CBS special sorry. Maybe YouTube? Appreciate your sharing. Helps much.