Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My FVC results have just come back

Wow! I spent the better part of two months panicking about whether or not my FVC would stay above 90%. There are completely healthy people who have FVC's in the 80s, but I just felt that if I went into this zone, it would just be another reminder and another event that was sort of "in my face", that ALS was taking its toll. having my hands, arms and shoulders loose virtually all muscle tone is bad enough. I am not blind, of course I know there will be further progression, but every little bit of positive news helps!

Well, I am happy to report that after 18 months, having my last FVC in July of 2008, I am now one point higher at 92%.

All that worrying for nothing. The Dr. was very pleased with this result and we were able to bypass any discussions related to bypap or other therapies related to reading difficulties.

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